Lawrence Regudo


About Candidate

    To enhance my professional skills,Capabilities,and knowledge in an organization which recognized the value of hardwork and trust me with responsibilities and challeges.


College 1997-1998

1st year college(undergradute)

Work & Experience

Kitchen helper February 2000 - May 2004
Aivy food ventures inc.

Ability to work as part of a team,colaborating on conplex dishes.

Assistant chef May 2004 - September 2008
Harley food ventures inc.

Knowledge of safety procedure,including safe temperature at which ingridients must be kept and to which food must be prepared to avoid foodborne illness.

Head chef September 2008 - March 2022
Cladilicious food ventures inc.

-A cook,or a line cook,is responsible for preparing ingridients at an establishment that serves food,processing customer orders,producing meals,and vleaning thear work place throughout the day to follow health and safety guidelines. -cook follow recipes consistently,make adjustment based on customer request. -communicate with wait staff and prepare ganishes to make an attractive presentation for each meal